I just wanted to tell some skin makers that don't know about a very useful program called a batch converter. A batch converter is able to convert multiple bmp images that are most likely to be 24-bit into 256, that will make the image size much smaller! Witch means less system memory Usage. Here is what I have found by searching a little bit,( EyeBatch 2 http://www.atalasoft.com/EyeBatch/Download/ ). is a freeware that can do just the thing plus some other nice Features like

+Convert to 256 and 16 colors with fine dithering
+Compatible with most common image formats (BMP, TIFF, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TGA, PSD, JPEG and many more.
+Lossless JPEG Transformations
+Batch Renaming
+Save and convert to 1, 4, 8, 24 and 32 bits/pixel
+Emboss Shape +Multiple Saves and many more all in a simple to use interface.

If you think the Features aren't needed you can look for some other softwhere witch just provides the main Features only.

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Aug 16, 2005
You might wanna check out XnView too.
It has some really cool editing and batchfunctions
too besides being a great image viewer


And it's free =D
2 Pages1 2