Well Im making this website with all my skins and stuff on it plus some useful things like tutorials for skinners.

i would like you guys to help me out a bit by posting Photoshop tutorials and Skinstudio tutorials and I will email their authors and get permission
one more question to who ever is in charge at WinCustomize ,would it be allowed if I based an author of the week , wallpaper of the week ,skin of the week based on
WinCustomize downloads count and Top Authors?.
i will be registering a .com soon

[Message Edited]
Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jan 31, 2004
i forgot to say if there is any bugs or something wrong could you inform me thanks
on Jan 31, 2004
this is the right link http://home.swiftdsl.com.au/~solid_nuts/XG.html
[Message Edited]
on Jan 31, 2004
Neither one works for me.
on Jan 31, 2004
Hmm, now they both work.
on Feb 01, 2004

I don't see why you couldn't make a list based on the figures here, as long as you're not linking to the site and stealing bandwidth. But, don't forget to get the authors permission before you display their work on your site.

I like the design of your site.....looks nice!

on Feb 01, 2004
Thanks boxxi thats all i want to do is base it on WinCustomize figures,and of course ill ask for Authors permission:)

[Message Edited]
on Feb 01, 2004
Nice design there SoLiD_NuTs...

I got a bunch of saved bookmarks to Photoshop tutes, some pretty good ones.
I'll send 'em to you if you email me.


Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Feb 01, 2004
thanks mate ill email you right now.

[Message Edited]
on Feb 01, 2004

Oh, and don't forget to add that web address to your "Author details"....... you can do it in "Edit Account" at the top of the page.

Good luck with the site. 

on Feb 01, 2004
ill do that
on Feb 01, 2004

You have mail.

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Feb 01, 2004
got it thanks alot!!! anybody got any skinstudio tutorials?
on Feb 01, 2004
Wow...great site design...you wouldn't happen to have a windowblind with the same design in it?
on Feb 01, 2004
Impressive graphics. What are you using to build the site?

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Feb 01, 2004
Really Like the design of your web site I have already bookmarkt it can't wait till it's up
2 Pages1 2