wheni use photoimpact to take a screen shot it dosnt show my cursor xp it just shows the defult win cursor
any one no how to get it done right?
on Sep 25, 2003
I hit the "Print Screen" key at the top of my keyboard. It captures the mouse just fine for me.
on Sep 25, 2003
If you use cursorxp it will be shown on screenshots.

If not the normal cursor is on its own display layer like movies, therefore it won't show in the screenshots.
on Sep 26, 2003
Paint Shop Pro has a screen capture feature which gives you options of including the cursor or leaving it out.
on Sep 26, 2003
Hyper Snap DX5 will do the trick but is not free...

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on Sep 26, 2003
ok thanks for help guys!
on Sep 26, 2003
SnagIt 6.0 will also do the trick and gives u the option also to leave the cursor in or out.

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on Sep 27, 2003
I think there is a DX object that will do it too. Hold on and I'll try to find the link.

Oops. Its an objectDock element. here ya go: https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?library=29&SkinID=1838
[Message Edited]
on Sep 29, 2003
Prt Screen works for me, however most of the time I paste all the image in a window (when they comes wih a theme.)
on Sep 29, 2003
"Print Screen" button to take full screen shot with everything in it. "Alt" and "Print Screen" button together to take shot of active window only.